010 745 1652 | 076 556 1240 | bookings@blejmarc.com | 24 Hours

Home Moving Services


Home Moving

Home Moving Services

To ensure a smooth and safe house moving we have a dedicated team of professionals who will take care of your valuables while you relax not worrying about breaking things. We provide packing of goods to avoid risk of things dropping or moving around while carrying.

How the process works is you book a move with a completed assessment. The customers have an option of taking personal valuables and the actual scheduled date is made. Ensure all information is captured during the assessment. Our moving service packers will be guided by the assessment and everything will be boxed with labels for easy identification and movement. All goods will be moved from the original home and relocated to the new home by room, purpose and location

Get in Touch With Us

Moving locations (From & To Addresses)

Moving From (Pickup Address)
Moving To (Destination Address)

Take time to consider a professonal mover when planning to move or relocate in advance this helps you to budget and prepare for all costs involved such as packing of goods, and any additional loads that might arise on the actual date

Note* Our Insurance cover against Theft, Hi-jack, Truck accident and Fire to the value of R100 000. If clients need cover for damages they can organise their own insurance or get insurance organised through us at a certain levy determined by the insurer.